How to get to where you see yourself.

I think everyone sees a clear picture of themselves, where they are now, where they want to be, and everywhere in-between that they are not.

The funny thing is, majority of the time, the picture one sees of where they want to be, is often remotely different than where they are now. It’s as if people are trying to head into a misleading direction that they believe will take them to the place of where they think they want to be, but once they reach that destination, they are still unsatisfied, and left looking for a new direction, position, place to be in. At what point does one just simply stop, breathe, smile, and think “I am exactly where I need to be.”

We’re all at fault. It doesn’t matter if you’re a CEO of some major company making thousands by the day, or if you’re a stay at home parent living with three crazed but beautifully radiant children of your own, or if you’re a 20 something, managing an ice cream shoppe.. we all at some point fantasize about what our lives ‘could be’ or ‘could have been’.

Don’t get me wrong, change is inevitable, you never know where you’re going to wind up, nonetheless, how you wound up where you are today.. And you should have goals  and ideas of where you want to be and what you want to do in your life.
My point here is that you’re not going to get anywhere simply by fantasizing about it. Or wishing for a better or different outcome. And if you continue to do that, you’ll never be satisfied with where you are in the moment. You are exactly where you need to be in your life to get you to exactly where you need to go. The key is action. Not stalling because you’re ‘unsure‘, or the opposite, trying to accumulate everything all at once so it all works out ‘perfectly‘.
All of the opportunities to make your next move, are often right underneath your nose.

Yes, we all dream about how happy we will be once we get to where we think we should be.
But you’re never going to get yourself there if you don’t take action in your present moment. Find the happiness in today, live your days to the fullest with your goals and dreams in mind. Make decisions which show you a clear route to your destination. Practice taking action right this moment! Even if you have no idea of how or why!
And absolutely everything will fall into place as it should.
Just remember that you are exactly where you need to be to get you to the next check point in your life.
See yourself in the moment you’re in right now. And love every second of it.
There’s no use in fantasizing about enjoying the moment of tomorrow, if you’re not in it for today.

Lustful glance

If only the outside world worked like social media, so when that cutie rides past you on the skateboard while you’re walking down a busy sidewalk and you exchange glances and a sensual smirk, you can simply ‘like’ their pretty face to let them know you’re interested, and then MAYBE, just maybe, something can come of that.

Please, don’t act like that hasn’t happened to you…and then you keep looking back, wondering if they’ll turn around and say hello, or if you’ll ever even see that person again, then you wind up spending a good chunk of your evening fantasizing about something that occurred in only one second of your day..

Amazing isn’t it? How do you go about meeting those people? It’s like, the universe blesses you only every so often with such beauty, but only briefly, and hardly ever within a situation where anything may actually come from such encounters… Damn lucky, aren’t we.

If you’re single like me, and have been for a really long time, like me, then you are well aware of the thoughts that go through your head wondering if you’ll ever meet that ‘perfect someone‘.  Or if that ‘perfect someone‘ even truly exists. I don’t know about you, but I can’t settle for just anyone.
I have standards, and a lot of them. (probably hence why i’ve been single for so long) But that’s not necessarily a bad thing….

If you have the amount of luck that I do, you’ll wind up meeting someone who’s perfect in your description of what you’d like your partner to be like, and of course, they are taken. Sad day. But at least you have a damn good idea of what you like!
Or, there’s those weirdos who have had high school crushes on you since kindergarten who won’t stop trying no matter how many hints you give them…. CMON! You’d thing at some point we’d roll the dice right..

I can’t help but to think that someday we will all have our chance.
Patience, patience, patience. But on that real note…. FU#*@BNCKkIg*&9F(*8***!!!!
You feel me?!?!?!

San Fran Time Warp

Here I am, in the middle of San Fransisco.. one of the country’s most alternative and progressive cities…
Sometimes I really feel like an old amish woman. Maybe i’ve just been tapping into a previous life of mine, but I can’t help to think about how life used to be much more simple, and genuine.. there was a quality to life that many people are missing nowadays…especially in cities like this, where everyone has practically everything handed to them so long as they have the technology installed and a credit card. I can’t help but to imagine what the world is turning into… we’re progressing at such a rate, it makes me wonder what else is possible. What else can be invented with the time we have? How fast can people actually run their lives? When will people slow down? Or will they ever? It seems as if everyone is pretty much sprinting to get to the ideas of tomorrowland… and many are blind to the beauty of the now, in the present moment. Many are forgetting how to do things for themselves. I fear of the future generations not understanding how to use a light switch…

Well, that’s big cities for you..