True Programing

Ever since people learned how to speak, and understand language,
they were told what to do,
how to feel,
whats right,
and whats wrong.
Freedom to trust one’s instincts and be themselves,
was stolen when they were very young.

For most,
self-reflection has been self-rejection
rather than self-realization
of beauty and life.

Fear to be true, and simple,
honest, and loyal,
to themselves and to others,
because it might not measure
to society’s standards…

We desire acception from everyone else,
and we’re left forgetting about ourselves,
our true wealth,
which is happiness and health.

During youth,
most are put in front of a desk.
With a book, paper, and a pen,
They learned that was to be their nest.

Some rebelled,
they put this programming to the test.
They were treated less,
than the rest.

Televisions and magazines,
have shown a false perception of perfection.
Forcing this view of pretend beauty down people’s throats before they even get a chance
to find the true beauty within themselves..
They scream,
they enforce.
Instead of asking such young creations,
“what do you truly want?”, “You are beauty”,
“There is no perfection”, “You are light and loved for you.”
But no,
its not that easy,
it’s just not that simple.
They make it way too complicated and unreasonable.
Anything less is way too much to handle.

‘Start them off when they’re young!’
Domesticate them till they’re numb.
Until they cannot see the road,
because what you show them is all they know.

How do you feel?
To you, what is real?
Break the seal.
And all of your agreements.
You cannot control what you were taught…
But you can control what you believe.
As well as what you teach yourself,
and others..

Let them be their true potential. 
Don’t tell them.
Don’t punish them.
Just let them be them.
And leave the rest to karma.



Given all, to the ground.
Just barely touching the air.
To rise again with all might,
I hold your hand gently, but snug.
Fear of letting go.
Encouragement I gave myself,
and to you.

I stand tall in the treetops,
staring out at the wide skies,
the sea of a universe,
as I plan for more.
Grounding, the reverse, yet the key.
It’s what you’ve given me.

All my years,
I hid under my bed,
if I opened my door, there was no going home.
To lose a home,
that wasn’t what I’d expected,
to build one’s own,
and yet another.

I share a piece of my bread,
in return for your wine.
I didn’t ask for much.

Every day spent in a dream,
head in books,
pen in hand,
money in wallet,
A desire to destroy the war within us all.
A desire to dry every tear shed.
A desire to make everything better.
The truth only hurts.

Burning to my eyes and ears,
drones and bombs,
it all makes sense.
There is no blame left in me.
I gave all, so did they,
and you in your own.

We got away,
but from what?
The crowds,
the drugs,
the noise?
Only memories and hope remain.
Dreaming of something, somewhere
bigger, better,
thrilling, unknown.

Every day, caffeine to my knees,
weight to my back.
Roses, waterfalls, lightening,
shadows, clouds, awakening..
Bigger than every day.
Tomorrow’s another step,
on a staircase leading to somewhere unseen.

Dreams, wishes,
hopes, fears,
cries and joys.
It all happens at once,
but only in a flicker of a thought.
Do you follow? Or do I?
I’ll hold your hand if you step too.


Written ~ 8/27/13

Forest of Clouds



The obstacles mark the path to evolution.
Stars beyond galaxies unseen.
Other dimentions within our own.
creativity pulsing through our veins.

Visible but blindfolded,
What lies beyond is a mystery to us all.
Fields of color unimaginable
words unfamiliar, unspoken, but known.
Experience given, lessons received,
Mental capacity exceeding beyond dreams.
Etheric hugs fear to let go.
To visit is to know.

Accepting complications
for without, no solutions will arise.
A freedom far beyond the skies
lies within your fingertips
tingly waterfalls
heart beat tsunamis
visual thunder
the thought of rain beneath our tongues
hold my hand
watch it crumble
see it build.
Street signs and paved pathways.
invisible to plain sight,
nonexistent, yet touchable
Close your eyes and believe the unimaginable.
Follow the path that leads to the unseen
the path ‘appearing’ to lead somewhere,
which is an actual.. illusion..of reality.


Written 8/26/13

Be patient with yours visions.

My life is beginning to come together.
I have a vision that’s almost clear.
I keep heading in the right direction, I can tell;
the signs keep pointing me there.

The well rounded person I am becoming
is developing through my experiences.
Determination, dedication, and the rewiring of my internal hard drive;       consisting of patterns, is whats disciplining me.
My dreams, goals, and ambitions are what fuel me.
Awareness, passion, and results are what keep moving me forward.

By understanding my desires, my weaknesses, my behavioral responses, and my conditioned learning; I am learning how to navigate my vessel, and how to train myself to be the person I am called to be.
By understanding my passions, my interests, my morals, my beliefs, and my energy;
I am allowing myself the freedom to soar.

Patience and persistence, the two P’s of passion, are painted precisely, protecting peace pleasurably, preparing for prosperity properly.



The dance between curious dreamers

You have a tendency to lure me in with only a soft gaze and an ever so inviting smirk in the corner of your smile.
The gentle joking manor of your spirits is obvious, but I can sense the curious sincerity of your soul.
I enjoy your dance. You behold the elegance and confidence of a lone-traveling swan down a familiar stream.. Yet you intertwine your gate with the playfulness and cautious-ridden behaviors of a young alley-cat.
I cannot get you off of my mind.
The hardest part is my wandering wonders of if you’re receiving similar thoughts..
Similar understandings..
Dance with me, darling. You know just who you are. Even from afar I catch your glance from the corner of my eye. You look away so quickly..
I’ve unfortunately mastered pretending not to notice..
Still, there’s no denying that we both do.
The rivers of our travels all lead to the same body of water..
an entrancing sea of the unknown.
Dangerous, and risky, yet pleasant, and comforting.
Sing your melody, and we can dance down a wave of reflective compositions.
Some things can but also cannot be guessed.
To be in a dream of curiosity-laden lives is only necessary every so often.
Inquiring imaginations… Envision a dance of a thousand steps, each leading to a successful jump landing.. and finally…
A finale of exquisite…. beautiful… co-creation.



A transmission of information.

To a nation.

Or just one person.

To one whom will listen.

To the consideration

From a concernment

Out of the ordinance.

Not all of us think alike.


A memory, a distant thought

It toys at you

Taunts you, haunts you,

Influences you to believe you are something you’re not.

It takes your head,

Heavy on your shoulders

Spins it round and round as if you’re on a rollercoaster

Zipping and gliding,

Around and upside down.

Until the smile you were portraying paints its way into a frown.

Forgiveness isn’t as easy as forgetting.


Guilt and shame play an evil game

Of in captivating, entrapping, and gluing you to the concrete

So even if you grow wings, its more difficult to fly.

To see the bigger picture, pops out at you like a children’s book.

You sigh and let the night pass by.

Wash yourself of your insecurities.

Watch yourself win the ongoing battle.


Acknowledgement is what changes.

Where growth hides in a dark corner,

Lurking and yearning for attention,

For acceptance.

For a friend to listen.

Because with growth comes pain,

And not everyone is so inviting..


Pinch yourself when you’re dreaming

Only to wake to a reality of unknown answers.

That is if there even are any..

It seems to me to be all about the questions.

The act of pondering,

Imagining, being,

And experiencing the pain,

The growth, the acceptance,

The transformation.